Tear open mask pack; totally three layers for one mask, take the middle part that is elastic and transparent-the Bio-Cellulos Fibers mask. 撕开亮白净化面膜包装,面膜共有三层,取出中间具弹性、呈透明状的生物纤维面膜。
In the open dialog box, type the path and file mask to display a list of the automatically saved files. 在“打开”对话框中,键入路径和文件掩码以显示自动保存的文件的列表。
The dynamic statistics of data includes SELECT sentence, input of selected year in edit mask control-ware em_1, open event of host window and knob confirming etc embedding functions. 数据动态统计包括SELECT语句、在编辑掩码控件em1中选择输入年、主窗口的open事件、确定按钮等的内嵌函数。